About Us

Arraina Thomas is a licensed professional clinical counselor, with over ten years experience as a clinician and trainer in the mental health/social services field.


arraina_headshotAs a clinician, Arraina has worked with children and families in the clinic, in the community, and as a school linked therapist. Arraina has worked with couples struggling with communication and relationship skills.

Arraina has also worked with families who are struggling with a parent in prison, co-parenting with a parent out of the home, advocating for a parent or child with substance abuse, mental illness, and/or working within the courts.

As a group facilitator Arraina has facilitated groups in the areas of parenting, substance abuse, trauma, stress, and many issues of the community.

As a trainer, Arraina has directed workshops in the areas of trauma, stress, African American and multicultural issues, and self sufficiency. She is devoted to training Mental Health professionals in these areas as advocacy for vulnerable client groups.

Arraina has been trained and uses evidence-based and culturally relevant psychological treatments to further benefit under-served populations.

Arraina is committed to the continuing education of mental health trainees and professionals, as well as the training of persons and organizations invested in interpersonal effectiveness and psychological wellness, including mentoring post graduate students on the journey to licensure and coaching new professions in the mental health community to become licensed.

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